5 Hidden Gems in Cornwall

Picture of Jon Baker

Jon Baker

Adventurer - blogger - content creator

Whilst attractions such as Tintagel Castle and St Michael’s Mount manage to draw the crowds in, there are also plenty of lesser known, hidden gems in Cornwall. So if you are heading out on your very own Cornish adventure but you want to avoid the busy, crowded locations then stick around. In this guide, I will unveil everything you need to know about Cornwall’s best kept secrets.

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Top 5 Hidden Gems in Cornwall:

  • Pedn Vounder Beach 
  • Mayon Cliff Ship Wreck 
  • Roche Rock 
  • Holywell Cave 
  • Nanjizal Beach 

Pedn Vounder Beach

Pedn Vounder beach is tucked away on the southwestern cost of Cornwall. This hidden gem is boasts white sands and clear turquoise waters along with huge cliffs towering around it. People are usually shocked when they find out that Pedn Vounder is located in Cornwall as to many it appears to be a tropical paradise. It actually came 8th in the annual 50 best beaches in the world list in 2022. 

hidden gems in cornwall - pedn vounder

When arriving at Penn Vounder you will be able to see the striking Logan Rock in the distance. This granite Boulder balancing on a cliff edge has become an iconic landmark during recent years. According to legend, the rock was moved by a giant, only the strongest and bravest can make it rock again. 

hidden gems in cornwall - pedn vounder

Pedn Vounder has no facilities so remember to take your own supplies. It is not the easiest to access either, you have to do a bit of a scramble down from the cliffs to reach the beach. It is also worth noting that Pedn Vounder is an unofficial nudist beach, so there is a chance you might see a thing or two! Park at Treen Car Park – TR19 6LF. 

Mayon Cliff Shipwreck

The Mayon Cliff Shipwreck is one of the most haunting hidden gems in Cornwall. The rusty remains of the RMS Mülheim lie washed up against the coastline between Sennen Cover and Land’s End. This Vessel was a cargo ship that met its fate on 22nd March 2003. 

hidden gems in cornwall - mayon cliff shipwreck

The Shipwreck gives adventurers a chance to witness the waves crashing against the corroded hull creating a mesmerising sound. Although it makes a great photo, you can’t help but appreciate the bravery of the sailors who navigated these parts as well as the sheer unforgiving nature of the sea. 

hidden gems in cornwall - mayon cliff shipwreck

To access the shipwreck you need to scramble down the side of the cliff. Appropriate footwear is recommended as the terrain is challenging. Remember to leave no trace, this site is protected so removing any of the debris is strictly prohibited. If you park at Sennen Cove, you can take a walk along the coast until you reach the Mayon Cliff Shipwreck. Why not follow it round even more after and catch the sunset at Land’s End? 

Roche Rock:

Roche Rock hosts the remains of an ancient chapel dedicated to St. Michael that sits amongst the Cornish countryside. Whilst it’s not particularly hard to get to, it is tucked away right in the middle of the county, far away from the coastline and beaches. 

hidden gems in cornwall - roche rock

Legend has it that a hermit named St Gonand inhabited the rock during the 6th century. When the chapel was later on built on the site, it became a place of spiritual contemplation and pilgrimage. 

hidden gems in cornwall - roche rock

It is possible to reach the summit of this formation using the ladders attached to it, but be sure to take care going up, they don’t feel the most sturdy! There are plenty of side streets nearby where you can park for free in the village of Roche. 

Holywell Cave:

Holywell is a Cornish village located not too far away from Newquay. Within the Holywell bay area lies Holywell cave, or St Cuthbert’s cave as it is also known. The inside of the cave is like nothing you’ve ever seen before, covered in stalactites and stalagmites along with a variety of unique colours. A geological wonder. According to folklore, this cave developed healing powers after the skeleton of Saint Cuthbert rubbed up against the walls. 

hidden gems in cornwall - holywell cave

To get there, park at Holywell and take the path to reach Holywell Bay. Then take a stroll upwards along the beach until you reach the cave on the right. Always visit during low tide, as high tide always reaches up to the cave and cleans it out daily. Take care when climbing around as the rocks are wet and slippy. 

hidden gems in cornwall - holywell cave

Nanjizal Beach:

Nanjizal beach, located on the rugged southwestern coast, offers breathtaking surrounding cliffs, pristine clear waters and unique rock formations. If you are looking for a quieter spot to take a dip into the sea then this should do you well. Nanjizal gives off the feeling of a secret cove just waiting to be explored, compared to many other beaches in Cornwall, it is untouched. 

Nanjizal has a famous arch in the rock formations known as the ‘song of the sea’. At certain times of the year if you visit at the right time, the sun will shine through the arch creating a beam of light. I obviously timed it awfully as I didn’t have this experience at all, and it was high tide so couldn’t really see much of the beach. Oh well, we live and we learn! 

There is no direct car park for Nanjizal, however you can park at either Land’s End or Porthgwarra and walk to it. Both routes are about 2km and offer fantastic views of the Cornish coastline. There are no facilities here so make sure you bring your own food/drinks. 


In conclusion, Cornwall has an endless supply of breathtaking attractions to visit, you can check some of them out here. But if you want to escape the crowds of St Nectan’s Glen or St Michael’s Mount and you’re prepared to put a bit of effort in, then heading to one of these hidden gems might be a better option. Whether you want to explore the tropical beauty of Pedn Vounder beach, or visit St Cuthbert’s cave and sample its healing powers, Cornwall has options to cater to any adventure.

If you are looking for something a bit more challenging, check out my recommendations for hikes in Norway or Madeira.


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